erbacce-prize results 2024

Update on the situation relating to the 2024 erbacce-prize for poetry which opened for submissions on January 1st 2024 and closed April 30th 2024 at midnight.


(Yes we work FAST; editing as we go along)

Every single year since we began organising the erbacce-prize for poetry in 2004,

the number of submissions has grown and now we can safely claim to be



In 2024, over a four months period, we received more than NINE THOUSAND

admissible/valid submissions from every corner of the globe

(That meant we had over FORTY-FIVE thousand+ pages of poetry to read)

The erbacce-team of volunteers are proud that the erbacce-prize for poetry is now

established, without a shadow of a doubt, as

the premier poetry-prize world-wide

this year we are in fact 20 years old!

Every single submission is filtered and then sent to the selection panel who judge every entry BLIND... You can check out the selection-team-members HERE and further down this page you can see the long-list of poets which were judged to be worthy of further consideration for our prestigious prize and many of these will be selected for inclusion in a future erbacce-journal.

The poets. listed in our long-list below,  made the cut from many thousands of submissions and are thus

among the Crème De La Crème of poets world-wide; each and every one is highly-commended.


The final result of the selection panel's deliberations appear here and so if your name appears below;

book-mark this page:

Winner of the 2024 erbacce-prize for poetry is:


Eve Naden

Eve wins; a contract with erbacce-press for publication of a perfect-bound collection of her poetry

which will proclaim on the cover 'Winner of the erbacce-prize for poetry 2024'.

A runner-up has also been agreed this year as voting was close and our runner up will be:

Julie Laing

Julie wins; a contract with erbacce-press for publication of a collection of her poetry, as her poetry has radical format (which we like) we will negotiate with her with regard to exactly what best suits her formatting

For both Eve and Julie we will pay all costs and registration fees for Nielsen and ISBN etc

and will supply key-universities with copies  of the books as per legal requirements and

we will also set up a personal page on our site for Eve and for Julie... we will also pay

author-royalties on sales at 20% and send free copies to them both also.

Featured poets, who will be interviewed and have their poetry extensively represented in a journal, will be:

Philip Burton

Margaret Jean Royall

Paul Brooke

Neil Beardmore

Lower down on this page we publish the list of those deemed to be worthy of merit and from the works

of these poets we will select poems for inclusion in our perfect bound, 96pp bi-annual and UK poets

included in these journals will be sent a free copy but please understand that due to soaring

postal charges and customs tariffs imposed by the EU , those overseas, will be sent a PDF version.


Thank you to all who entered; the standard was, as always, very high

and you can see by the list of commended poets below that

they stemmed from all over the globe.




And what that means is that none of the panel could see the names of the poets who submitted a five-page entry: submissions came to a neutral email and there the names and all details were removed from the submission and

an identity number was allocated prior to the submissions before being sent to members of the selection panel. 

You can check if you are included on the long list below where each poet is listed alphabetically by first name. If you name is NOT on the list please do remember that we had record submissions world-wide, the selectors had a difficult time and it could be your submission lost out by one single vote. Overall every Panel-member expressed genuine astonishment at the exceptionally high quality of the submissions; poetry is alive world-wide and this despite phony competitions trying to rip-off poets by asking them to pay to have their poems read or to pay to enter dubious poetry competitions. Ask yourself why it is that these people ask you to pay them to read your poems? It stinks! It treats poets with contempt; it effectively says 'Send us a poem you have spent hours, maybe months, crafting... and if you pay us five-quid we MAY actually read it.' No! No! No! You can NOT disrespect poets like that! Ugh; it infuriates us all here at erbacce-press. We urge genuine poets to


Also; check the big names who have been selected below and you will see that they are among the finest in the world.

A few facts that might interest you;

  1. There were just under 10,000 valid submissions, this year, of which, (judging by name only), about 47% were female submissions to 53% male. (This is the first year we have had more male submissions than female... but remember it is estimated by names only; we get very few submissions from Mister, Missus or even Ms...)
  2. Most submissions came from the USA and UK (about equal) BUT we had submissions from almost every single country in the world as is reflected in our long-lists below and we're pleased to see many submissions of high quality from China.
  3. Roughly a thousand submissions did not follow submission guidelines and thus were rejected (UNBELIEVABLE isn't it??? Most of these had an email displayed-name that did not match their given-name; i.e. a submission from poet named 'Fred Flintstone' would have a displayed email address of 'Betty Boob')
  4. A few gave incomplete snail-mail addresses and these simply can't legally be accepted. We need a FULL and complete snail-mail address... and a word to those from America; this means adding 'USA' to your address as there are actually countries that exist outside of America.
  5. Also there were several who sent word docs or PDFs or included frames... we need submissions in Word; Rich Text Format ONLY. No frames.
  6. A few stated their given-name as something we queried as with 'Fuzzy-Wuzzy-Gongool' (yes this idiot exists) Be clear; if you are one of the poets selected then you can use ANY PEN-NAME YOU CHOOSE but on your submissions we need your legal given name.

Bookmark this page; maybe start getting together your submissions for 2025... and PLEASE consider purchasing a subscription to the erbacce  poetry journal which we publish bi-annually. We can only offer this FREE TO ENTER prestigious prize annually if we have subscriptions to the journal; we get no money from anywhere else, not from the arts-council or the lottery or anyone, because we want to remain independent and dedicated to poets and poetry. Please support us.

FINALLY; Thank you ALL so much for your submissions, every single one was read and most were enjoyed, we couldn't continue to offer this 100% FREE TO ENTER competition annually if it wasn't for those of you who support our co-operative publishing house by subscribing to the erbacce-journal. (FREE download sample-copy available) If you don't subscribe; please consider doing so. ...we repeat again; if your name is listed below you are a VERY special poet; the world needs poets and poetry, so whatever you do; keep up the good work...

HIGHLY COMMENDED. In the long lists below (arranged in alphabetical order by first name) are the names of poets discussed in depth and declared to be of special merit... These poets have been selected from among many thousands of submissions that stemmed (quite literally) from every country in the world; each and every one is exceptional. We will include a selection of poetry from some of those listed below in future journals; bookmark this page and, over the weeks we will indicate the ones selected who will then receive a free copy of the journal their work is published in, however do note that overseas subscribers may not be sent a hard copy, instead they will receive a PDF... this due to soaring postal charges and new tarrifs imposed at borders following brexit. We have listed so far those selected to be published in Journal 78 along with the featured poet Philip Burton those in red below. Those to be published in Journal 79 along with the featured poet Margaret Royall those in blue below. More will be selected and indicated here on this page.

A.S. Coomer: USA

Aaron Lembo: England

Abiyas M V: India

Alexander William Kindness: England

Alice Janette Brooker: England

Allegra Silberstei: USA

Andrea Deeken: USA  J79

Angela Ruth Martin: England J79

Anne Marie Wells: USA

Ansuya Patel: England J79

Ashley Barr: England

Blossom Hibbert: England J78

Brian William Archer: England

Caitlin Ffion Harries: England

Catherine Whitmore: England

Charles Grayson: England

Chris Parsons: New Zealand J79

Christian Ward: England

Christine Moor: USA

Claire Thom: Spain

Claudio Perinot: Italy J78

Daniel Revach: England

Dasa Kruzlicova: England J79

Dave R. Wilson: England

David J McCormack: England

David Wynne-Jones: England

Derek Sellen: England

Dominic James: England

Donna Faulkner: New Zealand J78 

Dustin David Pickering: USA

Elvis Alves: USA

Emily Pont: England

Eve Naden: France

George H. Gorman III: USA

Heather Griffith: USA 

Inga Piotrowska: England

Iwan Hedd Jones: Wales

J. J. Steinfeld: Canada

Jacob Otira: Kenya

James B. Nicola: USA

James O'Hara-Knight: England

Jen Karetnic: USA

Jeremy Gadd: Australia

Joanne Walsh: England

John Chinaka: Nigeria

John M. Paxman: Canada

Josh Mabbutt: England

Julie Laing: Scotland

Kate Rigby: England

Kendall Grady: USA

Kexin Huang: China J78

Khushi Bajaj: India

Kip Rosser: USA

Lara Frankena: England

Lara Orriss: England J79

Lester Bares: USA

Lev Crofts: England

Lisa Mullenneaux: USA

Lucky Azad: England

Mantz Yorke: England

Margaret Jean Royall: England

Marjory Woodfield: New Zealand J79

Matthew Valler: England

Megha Sood: USA

Michael Coy: Spain

Michael R. Burc: USA

Mike Pullman: England

Mishal Goraya: Pakistan

Mukut Borpujari : India

Neethu Krishnan: India J78

Neil Beardmore: England

Nicholas Paparoidamis: France J78

Omar Persaud: USA

Paola Tavoletti: Italy J78

Paul Brooke: USA

Philip Burton: England

Purbasha Roy: India J79

Qingyun W: USA

Rachael De Souza: England

Rebecca Ruth Gould: England

Roderick Manson: Scotland

Rose San Jose: England

Saleem Abdal-Khaaliq: USA

Sanjeev Sethi: India

shirley anne cook: England

Simon Parker: England

Stephen Michael Page: Argentina

Stephen Schwei: USA

Steven Taylor: England: England

Stuart Flynn: Ireland

Sue Norton: England

Sylvia Anne Telfer: Scotland

Tufik Shaye: USA

Vanessa Yang Niu: USA

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